IMDB Movie Rating Prediction
I developed a beginner level regression model which uses your IMDB rated movies/shows to predict your ratings of upcoming or unseen movies.
TMDB Dataset Investigation and Analysis
I performed Data Wrangling and Exploratory Data Analysis on TMDB dataset and shared some insights as part of Udacity’s Data Analyst Nanodegree.
Efficient Implementation of Sauvola Method Using Integral Images
We optimized a local adaptive thresholding technique with the help of integral images to binarize degraded and historical documents.
Snakes & Ladders App
I made a simple snakes and ladders game for android in Android Studio.
Blogging Website for Visually impaired and Colour Blind

We built a blogging website designed for normal people as well as those who are visually impaired or suffer from color-blindness.
Secure HTTP Server using Steganography
We used python sockets to develop an HTTP server that implements Least 3 Bits Steganography to serve web clients with secure contents.