Team members: Wahab Aftab, Zain Abbas, Saad Raza
The goal of this project was to facilitate users who suffer from colourblindness to read blogs as normal users. Upon research we got the figure that 8% males and 0.8 females are born colorblind.Some article’s directed us to information such as most colour blind people are able to see things as clearly as other people but they unable to fully ‘see’ red, green or blue light. [Source 1,Source 2] Further research and awareness articles concluded that there were 3 Types of colourblindness [Source]. Details of the 3 Types of Colorblindness and their subtypes are given below:
- Red-Green ColorBlindness
- Protanomaly: Red, orange, and yellow appear greener and colors are not as bright
- Deuteranomaly: Yellow and green appear redder and it is difficult to tell violet from blue.
- Blue-Yellow ColorBlindness
- Tritanomaly: Blue appears greener and it can be difficult to tell yellow and red from pink.
- Tritanopia makes you unable to tell the difference between blue and green, purple and red, and yellow and pink.
- Complete ColourBlindness
Apart from research we really wanted to know what colourblind people want in a website. For this we conducted a survey with the said people using Google Forms. Few examples of responses are given ahead:
Have you ever used a blogging site?

Do you want a site designed with steps taken to make it accessible and usable by colorblind people?

Which area should be given most importance for such a site?

Based on the research and survey, our main focus was to make a good, clean, appealing design and make the site easy to navigate, traverse and use. The site is constructed with specific patterns, symbols and strokes which will help people in using the site without having any issues in perceiving and understanding its elements.
Our blog features the options for users to read blogs, review and rate them, comment on them and share. It also lets the user search for blogs and make categories to help the user find blogs he’s interested in. The user can also log in, write a blog and have it posted.
You can check the code below!